Saturday 4 January 2014

Baby Run

Baby Run
Is the latest of the short stories in the Romance For Young Ladies range.
Baby Run focuses on a Kelli & Tim
At the age of 5 Kelli falls for Tim while saving him from being beaten up, but he doesn't feel the same.
As time goes on Kelli has made herself popular in an attempt to gain Tim's heart, Tim isn't popular and it all comes to a head when she yet again saves him from bullies and he hurts her quite badly.
Kelli's attitude changes... no longer the nice sweet girl everyone liked, she becomes a relentless, ruthless bully...
Tim realises his error, but is it too late to bring Kelli back? (I haven't decided yet)

I was asked the other day where my inspiration for the stories comes from... and its always something very simple...
Inspiration for this story... two words from a Kim Hyun Joong song Yes I Will, conjured up the image of a young girl pulling a young boy away from a beating...

Baby Run
Kelli Prescott had moved to New Stoke in time to join the local junior school in year three. There she met Tim Lee. Tim was a little bit different. He hid his face behind a long mane of black fringe even way back then, and nothing changed right throughout school. He liked everything in black, to match his mood. Kelli first happened upon him when he was being bullied by two older children on the school field. Kelli had a kind heart and she liked Tim, so she intervened by stamping on the boys instep, and punching them on the nose. Tim thanked her by screaming at her that she had made him look even more stupid and had walked off. This act of nastiness only seemed to cause Kelli to like Tim even more, and become more and more protective of him. She promised herself she would become the most intelligent, prettiest, most popular, hardest girl in school and Tim would just have to love her.
In year seven, her parents bought the house next door to Tim's. She was in her element, and felt sure that now he would at least attempt to get to know her. Occasionally they spoke over the garden fence, but he either left later or earlier for school than she did, and even if she timed it to be the same time, he just put his ear phones in and ignored her.
Kelli was good at everything and by year eleven she was the most popular, hardest, most athletic girl in school, arguably the county, with the nicest manners and the sweetest disposition.. She excelled at tennis, swimming, Jeet Kune Do and was teaching it to younger students at the tender age of fourteen. Tim was intelligent and if he ever took the hair off his face, he was good looking too, and if he did cut his hair maybe everyone else would see what Kelli saw when she looked at him. No one else could understand Kelli, every boy in school wanted to date her, she only had eyes for Tim.
A week before prom night she felt sure that Tim would ask her and if not she would most definitely ask him. She managed to catch Tim on one of his rare visits into the garden “Tim, have you asked anyone to prom yet?”
Tim smirked as he said 'yes', and told her he had asked Amy Price. He asked her if she was going with Kyle Lines? She said he had asked her but she actually wasn’t going to go to prom, she had other plans for that evening. Tim eyed her suspiciously, what girl didn’t go to her own prom? Kelli made her way back inside, lay on her bed determined not to cry, and failed.

College started off not much better, she was in practically every class with Tim, who was now a firm item with Amy. Amy doted on him, Tim treated Amy with indifference most of the time, Kelli got an idea of what being in a relationship with Tim would be like, and it wasn’t nice. Still she loved him, Tim ignored her.
November came Kelli was walking home from playing squash, she hadn’t got changed, it was raining and she was getting soaked. Ahead she saw two men beating a third up, she knew even in the darkness, that the man being beaten up was Tim. She dropped her bag and run to intervene, she stamped on both men’s feet grabbed Tim's hand “Baby run!” she yelled dragging him away before the men had chance to take up pursuit. They ran and Kelli dragged Tim down a back alley, pressed him into a gateway while the two men ran past on the main road. When they had gone she looked up and could see Tim was bleeding, she ripped her t-shirt to tend to his wounds. He started screaming at her, “Who do you think you're calling baby? Why cant you just leave me alone! All of this is your fault! I hate you, I hate the likes of you, who think because you're pretty you have the right to what you want, how many times do I have to tell you to FUCK OFF!” he screamed the last words in her face and pushed her, as she wasn’t expecting it she lost her footing and hit the wall behind her hard. She felt a sharp pain in her head. She nodded, “I will leave you alone” she said and turned to walk toward the main road, Tim turned the other way, he started to run but turned, he could see something dark running down her back, then she wobbled and hit the floor face first, he went to run back but the two boys came round the corner, he hid in the gateway she had pushed him in to moments before.
Please I need an ambulance, my friend, she hurt her head and I cant get to her, there are boys there, she is unconscious and in danger”
As he looked over there was a metal pipe sticking out of the wall he had pushed Kelli into. Moments later the ambulance arrived, the boys had also called 999 and stayed with her until it arrived. Kelli had to have surgery to relieve swelling on the brain, Tim was arrested for assault, but as Kelli refused to press charges nothing came of it. Kelli returned to college in January, thankfully, her hair was long and covered the slight bald patch at the base of her skull.

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