Wednesday 30 April 2014

Writers Block

Oh well it seems I have writers block, the short stories are taking a long time, about a paragraph a day. I still have a number of books nearly finished, so I may well continue with those.
My obsession with Korea also seems to be on the wane, for no particular reason. I still love the country, adore the people, but am not in such a hurry to get back there as I was when I first arrived back. However that being said, great place, great people, great food, good times, great memories.

South Korea is one of the fastest developing countries in Asia. In many ways they are far advanced beyond their western counterparts. The increase in animal welfare is a joy to behold. There are few ways Korea is behind the times, eating live fish (sushi-mi) is definitely not forward thinking. I am sure however, they will develop beyond this in the not too distant future, and as I have seen places in Britain catering to this barbaric consumption, it would appear we are going backwards, while South Korea is leaping forward.
"They eat dog in Korea, don't they?" Well yes they do, but not really in Seoul, there is only about 3 restaurants in Seoul which actually sell dog meat. Most Seoul inhabitants wont eat it, and if the western tourists would stop going there and requesting it, they'd probably stop selling it altogether in the nearer future! 
Much to the disdain of my vegan counterparts I actually do understand the consumption of dog meat. If beef is 10,000 and dog meat is 3000when you have a family to feed you will take the cheaper option. Those who eat pig, cow, sheep, its all the same to me as eating dog.

Korean people are amazing, they are so helpful and thoughtful, polite, respectful, courteous. 
Love the country, love the people, love the music.

Words for today:
Korea 한국 han gook
love 사랑 sarang

Saranghae Han gook 

Monday 28 April 2014


Since my trip to Seoul I have had a hankering for Kimchi, which I successfully acquired from a Chinese Supermarket in Birmingham yesterday, (I now know of a Korean Supermarket in Cardiff that also sells Spicy Radish).
I offered some samples to the people in work, and the Kimchi was received well by those who could get past the smell to sample the merchandise! Those who couldn't get past the smell, well... they sadly didn't get to sample the delight that is quite simply 'Spicy Cabbage' or as Bianca puts it, 'Stinky Cabbage'.
So words for today:
Kimchi 김치
Spicy 매운 mae oon
Cabbage 양배추 yang bae choo